Thursday, June 14, 2012

                Living Room in the Red Cabin

It's been a frantic last few weeks here at Living Springs Ranch!

Wrapping up the remodel of the Red Cabin, preparing for guests, planning and hosting our first Open House have been the focus of the fury!

One of our contractor friends Putting in the new flooring

Red Cabin with new paint, floors, trim  and some new artwork.

The Red Cabin remodel is mostly done with the exception of detail work (painting trim, decorating ect.) replacing some furniture and updating the bathroom.

               Volunteer Melody and Shirly friend of the Ranch

The much awaited Open House held here on the
9th of this month was a success despite the mud and rain.

                                        Lots of Cars!!


We had about 50 people here!

 Old friends of the Ranch showed up as well as people who have never seen the ministry before. It was fun to be able to chat with people and show them what we do here.

                                      New Carpet!!!

There have been so many blessings lately!
Here are just some of the highlights
  • 2 contractors from our church volunteered their time to put the new floor in the Red Cabin
  • A brand new carpet was donated for the bedroom of the Red Cabin
  • Wildlife themed artwork was donated for the Red Cabin
  • A neighbor volunteered his time and his tractor to grade the driveways for the Open house
  • The Suncrest Senders mission group sent a team of about 10 people to help us clean up the property ( this awesome group worked in the pouring rain to help us out!)
  • Some wonderful ladies volunteered their time to help get ready for June 9th
  • We had someone donate the cake that we served for our Open House
  • During our Open House we were presented with a gift certificate for $400 to Home Depot
  • The Gideons Bible Society gave Living Springs Ranch brand new Bibles for the bedrooms of each of the cabins

  Our neighbor working on the driveway to the cabins

Here is something else that we are excited about-
  • We have had someone offer to pay for us to set up our ministry as a non- profit! Because of this we have been able to meet with our lawyer and we have gotten the ball rolling on this.

  Thank you all so much for your prayers and support!

    Tiffany and Jay

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Lots of great news. It sounds like the Lor is really blessing you. Your labor of love is never lost with Him. Hugs and kisses
