Monday, May 28, 2012

      Hey Friends!

We are having an Open House!

  You are welcome to join us on Saturday,
June 9th 2012 
 between 1:00pm and 5:00pm

 Come visit with us, see what projects we are working on, pick up a new informational flier and check out the newly refurbished cabins!

We are looking forward to it and hope many of you can make it!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

                  Planting Flowers in the front of our house

What an exciting past few weeks!

A little over a week ago, Jay and I received a call from some dear folks who offered to buy a brand new queen mattress set for the red Cabin! A week ago Monday they came out and delivered their generous gift...what an amazing blessing. Due to their kindness our guests will now have a much more comfortable place to sleep.

This same couple also surprised us with a generous gift certificate to Home Depot! What a fantastic help for the remodel project.

More work in front of our house...cinderblocks to be removed

Jay replacing cinderblocks with rail road ties

New Look!

Another blessing last week included a visit with our Pastor's brother in-law and his wife. They have a place of retreat for Christian ministry workers called Peace Haven. It is on the other side of the state near Seattle. It was a great to be able to talk to them about their work and get some helpful ideas and advice. We are grateful to our Pastor and his wife for setting up a meeting with them!

The red cabin remodel is underway. It is in the middle of being painted right now. I need to get some pictures to post on here.

Thank you to each of you for your support, prayers and encouragement. You all are a blessing!