Tuesday, May 1, 2012

                  Planting Flowers in the front of our house

What an exciting past few weeks!

A little over a week ago, Jay and I received a call from some dear folks who offered to buy a brand new queen mattress set for the red Cabin! A week ago Monday they came out and delivered their generous gift...what an amazing blessing. Due to their kindness our guests will now have a much more comfortable place to sleep.

This same couple also surprised us with a generous gift certificate to Home Depot! What a fantastic help for the remodel project.

More work in front of our house...cinderblocks to be removed

Jay replacing cinderblocks with rail road ties

New Look!

Another blessing last week included a visit with our Pastor's brother in-law and his wife. They have a place of retreat for Christian ministry workers called Peace Haven. It is on the other side of the state near Seattle. It was a great to be able to talk to them about their work and get some helpful ideas and advice. We are grateful to our Pastor and his wife for setting up a meeting with them!

The red cabin remodel is underway. It is in the middle of being painted right now. I need to get some pictures to post on here.

Thank you to each of you for your support, prayers and encouragement. You all are a blessing!

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