Thursday, March 29, 2012

Crazy Life


Everyone has a set of circumstances that makes their life unique.

Some of mine are:

  • I'm married to a Bread delivery man who has crazy hours that change frequently
  • I live on a mountaintop in Washington State that gets a lot of snow and -0 degree temps.
  • I help run a small retreat center where the work is never done
  • I have wood heat
  • I have too many animals

Those factors combine to make some humorous trains of thought that could be considered ludicrous when uttered by a “normal” person! (where do they live anyhow?!..Those elusive normal people!) They also create some pretty cool perks or some just plain weird situations!

Here are a few examples:

  • Looking at the thermometer that says 18degrees and thinking... “Awesome! It didn't get cold out after all!” What??!
  • Waking up in the middle of the night to a weird noise, taking 5 full minutes before figuring out that it is the dog barfing in the other that time it is too late, you don't care anymore...and you seriously consider falling back asleep...( after all its not going ANYWHERE!)
  • Realizing that it is NEVER "too late” to do anything! Make Bread at 1AM; do a laundry marathon at 3AM, What's wrong with painting the house at 2AM?!
  • Looking out the front window and doing a double take at what the dogs dragged up from the woods... “What? NO way! Oh my gosh! Its a Moose leg!!
  • Getting to sled down to the horses twice a day to feed in the winter.
  • Getting up at 7am and feeling guilty for sleeping in “Soo late” Seriously?!
  • Having a contest to see how long you can go without letting the fire go out because you discovered too late that you only have 1 match left. (Last month we did 3 weeks in a row and then I distractedly let it go out out three times in 1
  • Wondering if you will freak out guests if you drive up to the cabins at 3AM and continue your construction project in the cabin next to theirs... “After all I've got the energy now, it will have evaporated by morning!!! ...They'll never hear me if they are sleeping like normal people should be! How loud can hammers be anyhow?”
  • Waking up in the dark with your heart in your throat to what sounds like a gunshot... only to realize it is your metal roof cooling down from the heat of the day...Fat chance of getting back to sleep!
  • Wondering if the guests can hear the Techno music that is blaring in your house in an attempt to get yourself moving.
  • Loosing sleep during summer, nighttime thunderstorms so you can watch for lightening strikes and forest fires on your property.
  • Waking up to peculiar noises coming from your sloping roof, slow scraping, and then a whOOOOSH and THUD... The first clue that we got substantial snow during the night!
  • Looking at the Mountain Dew in the cabinet in the morning and somehow talking yourself into believing that it is a GREAT breakfast choice! After all GREEN stuff is supposed to be good for you!
  • Seeing Moose in your driveway
  • Smelling a Bear when you do the chores in the morning
  • Hearing coyotes several times during the night (and your own dogs who are sure your hearing is defective and that you can't hear the coyotes with out them adding to the din!)\
  • Winning the contest of seeing the very first Buttercup peeking though the snow!
  • Finding out a guest almost hit a deer with their your driveway.
  • Having mountaintop picnics on sunny afternoons!
  • Justifying watching “one more” design show on TV by calling it “work” Hey! We Have to get inspiration somewhere for decorating cabins!! 

Now you can laugh with me at the craziness! (:


  1. Very well written! Yes, our lives are unique aren't they? We could each write a book. I guess that is what Laura Ingalls did. Just jotted down what happened in her life! But I must say, your happenings are very unique.

  2. Thank you Searose... I am enjoying sharing my experiences. I love your blogger name - it is beautiful! Do you live near the ocean? Thank you again for your interest. (:
