Tuesday, August 7, 2012

 A moose we saw while on a hike on a trail not far from the ranch

Hi, Friends!!

   Some highlights of the last few months include

  1. Hosting the Suncrest Senders Mission Organization's training weekend for their upcoming mission trip to Korea. We had about 15 people here for a whole weekend!

  2. Tiffany's sisters and brother visiting us. Rebekah, Sarah and Josh enjoyed exploring our corner of Washington while they were here. We shared lots of games, movies laughter and fun together!

  1. Hosting several Pastors and wives here at the ranch. I added up the guests of the ranch and the results show that we've had 52 people here so far this year! This year has seen mostly new guests of the ranch. It has been a treat to get to visit with these folks and hear their stories- that has got to be one of my favorite parts of the ministry here. 

                       The Suncrest Senders worship service
    (I think there was 26 people here for worship that Sunday morning!)

    We are excited to have taken the first steps to becoming a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Some people have been curious to know why incorporating is necessary and how it will benefit us. We thought it might be a good idea to share some of our goals with you.

    There are several reasons why we would like to become a nonprofit organization. Mainly it will enable us to raise money more effectively for continuing and growing the ministry here at Living Springs Ranch. Some things we want to fund raise for include:

    1. Covering day to day maintenance and operating costs.
    2. Building a multi-purpose lodge building so that we can host larger groups and families.
    3. Building new and updating the existing cabins.
    4. Digging a new well and improving the water system.
    5. Offering counseling services and burnout prevention education programs for guests who need it.

    We are trying to raise $3,000 dollars during the months of August and September to be able to complete the incorporation process. Would you consider helping us as we work toward our goal? 
     Thank you all for your love, prayers and support!
     Tiffany and Jay