Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wow! Time flies...can't believe how long it's been since I've updated this!
We had a good, full summer. Here are a few of the highlights
-I volunteered during the summer for Blue Waters Youth Ranch. BWYR is a non-profit organization that offers opportunities for Foster and Adopted kids to learn about horses and God's love. It was fun for me to be involved with a group of kids over the summer.

-We bought a roadworthy truck! It's made our life much simpler. It's been great to be able to haul lumber and other materials for projects without worrying if it will fit in our vehicle to take home!

-Jay and I took a trip in September to Glacier National Park. It was FANTASTIC!!! Jay's been there many times but it was my first trip. I loved it!! Just the two of us being able to get away to such an awesome place was amazing.

-Our woodshed got a new metal roof! Little by little we are replacing and feels good to get projects accomplished!

-In late October though early November I took an unexpected trip to Virginia to see my Grandma and my Aunt. I was able to stop and see my Family in Kansas for about 10 days as well. Getting to see everyone brought me such happiness!

New Truck on our Glacier trip!

The Cabins have had many guests since the last update.  Living Springs Ranch has had guests from Canada, Idaho, Oregon, and of course Washington over the past few months.
Our Friends the Smiths who have been staying here temporarily have been able to move to a more permanent housing situation. Although, we are glad they were able to move on, we'll miss having them around.
Currently we have another couple staying here for a few weeks as they finalize paperwork on the house that they are buying.
Recently, Jay and I have started a remodel of the Blue Cabin. In the bathroom we are replacing the shower stall, updating the vanity, installing a water efficient toilet, and repairing the floor. We are also putting fresh paint on all the walls and we will be looking to update a few pieces of the living room furniture.

                       Lake in East Glaicer        

There have been many blessings and encouragements to all of us involved in Living Springs Ranch over this past year.

Here is a sampling!

-The workday with the fantastic turnout of 23 people and lots of work accomplished
-Over the course of the year about $900 has been donated to Living Springs Ranch.
-Jay's Grandparents and Jay and I were unexpectedly blessed by the generous gift of a huge amount of groceries “just to bless us” for what we do here.
-The interest and support of many new people
-People volunteering their time to work on various projects here since the workday.

We want to thank each of you for your support and encouragement over this past year!!
May you all be blessed with a wonderful Christmas and Holiday season!
Tiffany and Jay

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Awesome Workday Report

Living Springs Ranch got a huge blessing today as 23 people showed up to work on projects!!

SO many cars!!

An incredible new roof was put on the Red Cabin

Rocks were laid down to frame the new landscaping

A sturdy, new porch was built onto the Desert Cabin

3 Big loads of firewood were gathered, split and stacked

The sagging gutter was repaired and reattached to the Ocean Cabin

Hard workers used a steel pipe to pound 30-40 holes, each a foot deep, into the ground around the dripline of the Sycamore tree and filled with fertilizer to improve the health of the tree.

Some helpful weeding and flower planting was done


The overwhlemingly overstuffed Desert Cabin was decluttered and organized

We were also blessed that 240 Dollars were donated to buy 4 square of roofing!!!

The fantastic day finished with a great BBQ


We want to thank everyone for giving up their Saturday to come out and work at Living Springs Ranch!
What a Huge Blessing!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Living Springs Ranch Upcoming Workday Info

Upcoming Workday Info
Saturday June 25th
5:00pm BBQ for everyone
We are planning to re-roof the Red cabin. We need 6 and a half square of shingles to do the roof. It is $60 a square. If anyone is interested in donating a square or half a square that would be awesome!
We will have several projects lined up, so if you want to help and roofing isn't your thing, we will have something for you to do. (:

If you are interested in helping or donating you can call us at the ranch number 509-276-6469.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

June 9, 2010

It's finally summer!!
Here's a look at what's been going on in our lives!

  • In April we got a surprise visit from Shawn and Christina Werdebaugh and their family. (soon to be missionaries to Slovenia) They stayed for several days while in the area. It was great to see them again!

  •  Jay Painted the Red Cabin

  • We attended my sister, Rebekah's wedding and spent some time in Kansas with my family

  • Checked out Palouse Falls, Washington


  • We are currently landscaping the cabin area

  •  June 25th we are having a workday here at the Ranch! If you'd be interested in giving us a hand we'd be happy to have you!

Monday, April 18, 2011

April 2011

              A beautiful Glacier Lily

  WOW! It has been almost 4 weeks since I updated this... I can't believe it!

  Last time I updated I mentioned that we were going to talk to a lawyer.  We had a great meeting! Mr. Jeff Smith is a Christian and is interested in our ministry as well as in helping us with our many questions.  Jay and I are so excited that God led us him! We've been puzzling for some time over who to go to for legal help and God has answered our prayers! Yay God!!!  We are looking forward to working together with Mr. Smith throughout the future.

 This is a picture of what Jay has been working on - digging all of the topsoil up from the flowerbeds.  He is clearing out all of the rocks, roots and weeds.  We are going to mix the soil with some additives to hopefully improve its quality. Jay's also been gathering up mulch to use retain moisture in the new flowerbeds

  Jay was called back to work last Thursday, so we are now getting back into the swing of the schedule of craziness!  We are both so grateful that he has work!

  Here is a picture of my newly sprouted flowers!! YAY! I am having so much fun getting started on renewing the landscaping!!! I can't wait until I can start planting.

Blessings to all of you !!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Our bedroom turned out beautifully! The new paint job made such a difference! We were also able to tear out our old carpet and replace it with different “new to us” carpet. Our room feels so fresh and relaxing...we are enjoying the change.

There are lots of “little” projects that are magically getting finished up around here since Jay has been home- There is trim around the front door now as well as a new windowsill, and trim around the kitchen window and a new light fixture installed above the kitchen sink. There are more pictures up in the house now as well.

Jay is anxious to get working on outdoor projects but it has been too wet outside to do much. He did get outside on a sunny day and pulled out the large overgrown shrubs in the flowerbeds the circle area. We are planning to improve the soil up there and put in new plants over this spring and summer. It sure looks different up there now!

I was able to get some of my flower seeds started last week. Yesterday, I was happy to see the first little plants begin to appear!

This past week I had a bit of a relapse with my neck injury. Early in the week I was feeling better and thought I could do more than I could. Turns out it was not the best idea to move carpet and furniture. Wednesday I was in a lot of discomfort and by Friday it was worse. The last few days I have been resting and in bed most of the time.

Today we are meeting with a Lawyer to hopefully have to our questions answered about the pros and cons of forming a non-profit organization. We are praying that God would use this meeting to give us clear direction. It is an exciting new step!

Thank you all for your love and support!
Jay and Tiffany

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring is nearly here!

We saw the first buttercups of the year yesterday! Spring really is on its way! Hip Hip Hooray!!
   After being back to work for a few weeks, Jay's bosses told him that they would not be needing him for the next 2-3 weeks. So, He home again now and excited to have time to work on projects. He is painting our bedroom right now! It is dark green and tan and is looking quite cozy.
   I have been going to the Chiropractor 3 times a week for awhile now. Today the Dr. told me that I am improving and next week I should only have to come twice. I am glad for the good news!
We hope you all are doing well!
Jay and Tiffany

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Granite enjoying breakfast

Jay's back to work!!

    He got called back for 2 days the last week of February and ended up working all of last week as well. Work has been steady this week and it looks like he is back for good. Yay for work!!! It's definitely going to be an adjustment getting back into his work schedule after living like normal people for awhile. We are back to going to bed when it is still light, getting up insanely early and enjoying split days off. (:

    The last Sunday in February, Jay and I were coming home from church when we lost control of our vehicle in the icy conditions and slid off of the road. We spun into a ditch and slammed against the bank of the ditch.  Thankfully, Jay was not hurt and our explorer had minimal damage.  I, however, sustained severe whiplash from the accident.  The impact reversed the natural curve of my spine in my neck and put me out of alignment.  I have been seeing a chiropractor about every other day since the accident and have been noticing much improvement in the last couple days.    

    Not much else is happening here – It continues to snow nearly every day...I keep thinking that Spring has to be coming soon!!

          Blessings to you all,
          Jay and Tiffany

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mud and Snow

Clarence and his little flock enjoying a sunbeam in the barn

About a week ago the weather seemed like it was getting better and we had high hopes that Spring was on its way. Cue to drop a foot of snow! The snow brought sub zero temperatures with it - the lowest nighttime low being -19. A few days ago we had -2 with a -19 windchill. Brr!!! It has continued to snow off and on since last week. Huge flakes are falling from the sky even as I write this. But it is getting warmer out, the snow is heavier and wetter and the temperature is staying in the 20's and 30's instead of the negative numbers.

Before the snow fell, Jay was able to work on repairing the road leading up to the cabins last week. It was severely rutted and in need of grading. He added a few truckloads of dirt to the road and dug a drainage ditch alongside of it. After smoothing it out with the truck plow, it looks and rides much better!

The past few weeks have been hard for me as I received a phone call on the 18th of February that my maternal grandmother had passed away from a heart attack. It has been very hard for me as well as difficult to be so far away from my family at this time. I am comforted that my Grandma and I had a wonderful relationship and that I have many, many wonderful memories of our times together.

The weekend of the 20th we were very pleased that Jay's parents were able to come and visit. It was a good time of family gatherings and laughter. It is always wonderful to see them...and I always wish they could stay longer!

We were able to buy our plane tickets last week for our trip to Kansas this spring. I am more excited than ever as I anticipate seeing family and friends. I am also thrilled to be able to attend Rebekah and Nathan's wedding! YAY!

Blessings to you all!

Jay and Tiffany

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jay and I think this picture is hilarious! If we just get the horses in it all the pets would be together!

Highlights of the past 2 weeks include

  • Jay and I getting to go to the "Art of Marriage" video seminar this past weekend. It was a special time for us to focus on our marriage and each other. Being laid off has certainly been a blessing in many ways to Jay and I. This has been the first ever seminar that we have been able to go to together since Jay wasn't working Friday night and Saturday.
  • Organizing our upstairs office area. Jay added a table and chairs to one of the corners! I am so excited as this means that we now have somewhere other than the kitchen table to work on planning and projects. I can't wait to use it!
  • Jay building me a cat-proof platform next to the window in our utility room for me to start my flower seed on.
  • Buying various flower seeds to start indoors. Jay and I are hoping to revitalize the flower beds and landscaping around the cabins this spring. It's great to be getting started!

Well, that is about all for now! We hope you all are doing well!


Jay and Tiffany Paulson

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dogs, Dogs, Dogs!

It's definitely winter at the ranch!
Life has been busy and full here lately. I am feeling like we are getting more organized and it's such a good feeling! Jay has been working on lots of projects during his time off. Yesterday he installed a hot water heater in the kitchen that dispenses nearly boiling water from a tap. Wow! Talk about getting spoiled!
Since Hunter died in December we have missed not having a dog. After several times of feeding horses in the dark and being alone at night while Jay is at work, I got to missing the extra reassurance that comes with having a big dog around.
So, we made a trip to a couple of the local animal shelters and came home with Barlow, a year and a half old, tan and white, male dog. He is calm, very sweet and listens well.
After observing and owning Barlow for a few weeks we realized that he is a wonderful dog but he is so laid back that he isn't very good as a watchdog. We started talking about possibly looking for a pal for Barlow who would still be a nice dog but who would let us know when someone comes around.
Enter Ranger! We found Ranger at the same shelter where we found Barlow. He is a Husky-Lab mix and looks alot like our Hunter. He is only about a year old and he has had very little training. It was a crazy first few days when we brought this guy home. He and Barlow wanted to play the entire time. Things are calming down now that they have had some time to get used to each other and Ranger is learning basic commands. We are hoping that in time, with training, we will have a couple of good dogs who will keep each other company and look after things here at the ranch.