Living Springs Ranch has seen much activity in the past few months-
We have welcomed several additions to our ranch including a horse named Granite, a flock of chickens, and three ducks. Granite has made a great companion for Tiffany's horse Sugar. We are looking forward to getting fresh eggs from our free range chickens. The ducks have been a lot fun, last month we released them to live on the upper pond.
Wildlife has been abundant here recently as well. Recent sightings include a cow Moose with twin calves, another cow Moose with a single calf, does and fawns and two black bears.
More evidence of God's handiwork has been seen in the stunning display of wildflowers this year. The wild roses, Lupine, Phlox, and Showy daisies have been beautiful, just to name a few. The wild shrubs are even getting in on the action, the Ocean Spray is phenomenal right now!
This summer we have a few projects that we would like to complete – we would welcome any volunteers!!
Jay and his friend Phil are planning to redo the plumbing and remodel the bathroom in the Mountain cottage – we don't have a start date for this but it looks like we will start in late August/ early September.
Tiffany and her friend Helen will be repainting the interior of the mountain cottage as well as the exterior of both the smaller cottages. They will be doing this project through the second half of August.
If you are interested in volunteering feel free to contact us. We will post more about these projects as the time draws near.
Lastly, thank you to each one of you for your interest and support of this ministry. We do earnestly covet your prayers for God's wisdom, blessing and guidance for His work.
Jay and Tiffany